Venice is [insert word that surpasses incredible, breathtaking, and unreal]. I cannot believe such a city exists, nor can I believe I am actually here. I am already sad at the thought of leaving in a few days to move on to the next adventure. Venice, you hold my heart. Oh, the wonders you hold...
A few (and let me re-emphasize a few) of the highlights of my day were...
...seeing the Rienzo Bridge (the largest bridge in Venice)...
...exploring canals...upon canals...upon canals...(I have a lot of pictures of canals)...
...visiting the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica where we'll be studying printmaking...
...marveling at the ceiling of the Parrocchia S. Maria Gloriosa dei Fari (it's a museum)...
...mid-day shopping at the open markets...
...being constantly surrounded by flowers...
...playing "I Spy the Weiner Dog" with myself (I won)...
...walking (squeezing) through narrow alleyways...
...being treated with a "spritz" by Professor Jeff...
...and wrapping up the night with a tour of Saint Marc's Square (I know, this is a crappy picture. You just had to be there)...
Tomorrow is a free day before we start class on Monday. I plan to explore the surrounding islands and hopefully get my tan on. I'm pale and I want to blend in with the locals.
Buona notte!

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