Contrary to popular belief, rats are not untamed, barbaric beasts with matted fur that live in sewers and eat garbage (well, not all of them, anyways). No, sir. They have normal pet fur. And whiskers. And adorable little rat hands.
My history with rats began about three years ago when me and my two friends were bored (which is when the overwhelming majority of our best life decisions have taken place). To be honest, I believe they were trying to cheer me up, to which their solution was "let's get rats!"
And so we went to the pet store and each purchased a rat. Naturally we named them after the popular rodent trio Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. I had Simon (obviously because I was the more level-headed of the three). Everything was going great until Alvin ate Simon and Theodore was lost in my friend's car. (.....?) We returned Alvin to the pet store because he was obviously crazy and hungry for flesh, held a quiet ceremony for Simon, and agreed it was all for the best.
Fast forward to last year. I made the mistake of perusing past the rat cage while I was supposed to be getting cat food and ended up taking home a sickly baby rat, whom I called TidBit (cause he was tiddybitty). I also adopted a second rat (Rosie) who someone had just returned after finding out they were allergic to cuteness. Rosie and TidBit were two misfits matched in heaven. A few weeks later, TidBit passed away (like they told me she would...cause she was sick...*tears*) and another rat burial ceremony was held, where TidBit joined Simon in rat heaven. God bless their tiny rat souls.
As any good rat owner knows, a rat needs a rat companion, and that's when Nutmeg joined the family.
Nutmeg (the blonde one) and Rosie (the brown one) are just two peas in a pod. Their favorite activities include snuggling, eating whipped cream off the floor, taking baths (not really) and sticking their faces into whatever food and/or drink you are trying to eat and/or drink within their reach. They even struck up quite a kinship with my cat, Jinxy. Who knew?
Anyways, rats are cool. Just trying to spread the word.
That is all.

You didn't include a picture of Dani's coat!