Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Le Grande Buffet: Part II

Sooooooo remember that buffet my friends and I were working on ages ago?  Well, in case you've forgotten or didn't read my first post on our buffet project, we started with a not-so-snazzy thrift store dresser and turned it into a fab-u-lous piece for my friend's new dining room.  Are you caught up?  Great.  Well, the project was actually finished months ago, but I totally forgot to post pictures of the finished product!  Silly me.

So here it is, folks. 

Feel free to have a moment to take it all in.

We picked up these knobs at Hob Lob (ha..."knobs at Hob Lob...") and I think they take this old dresser to a class of its own.  And they ended up matching the painted black splash perfectly!  



Thank you for patience.  I'm just really into dramatic suspense.

P.s.  If anyone has on old dresser you would like to transform, let me know.  I'm kind of an expert now.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Homemade Hygiene

I love Thursdays. 

Thursdays are basically my Fridays.  I'm finished with my classes by 12:15 and get off of work by 3:30.  I then (usually) have the rest of the day to do whatever I want to do.  The question is:  what to do with all this sacred free time?

Pinterest projects.  That's what I do.

As I'm becoming emerged into the world of all natural, chemical free living, I've been stocking up on recipe upon recipe on making your own hygiene products.  Yesterday was the day I finally decided to ditch a few of my products in exchange for a natural version I think my body will appreciate more.  So I got a little crazy at Sawall's, bought everything and anything I needed to complete my concoctions and spent the rest of the afternoon in my kitchen experimenting.

Here are three super simple recipes that I made (if I can do it, you do it!):

Orange & Mint Sugar Scrub

1 cup sugar
1/3 cup sweet almond oil
Orange & Peppermint essential oil

Combine sugar and oil well.  Add essential oils to preference, generally about 2/3 orange and 1/3 peppermint.  (I added about 30 drops total, but you could surely get away with less!)  Spoon the mixture into a cute jar and voila!  You've got yourself some sugar scrub.  This recipe was easy-peasy!

You could also experiment with other oil combinations if you're feeling adventurous.  Whatever ones you pick, your skin will love them!

Citrus Deodorant

6 tsp melted coconut oil
1/4 cup aluminum free baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder
15-20 drops Lemon, Lime, & Grapefruit essential oil

Comine baking soda and arrowroot powder in a bowl and mix with a fork.
Mash in the coconut oil until a nice paste forms.
Add in essential oils to your fancy.
Pour mixture into an empty deodorant container or a jar, and be super proud of yourself.

(Just a precaution:  the coconut oil will melt when warmed up or when applied to your skin, so just be aware!)

And last but not least...

 "Liquid Daydream" Roll-on Perfume

1 1/2 tsp melted coconut oil
1/2 tsp sweet almond oil
15-30 drops Grapefruit & Peppermint essential oils

Fill your 10ml roll-on perfume bottle with the ingredients listed above.  Adjust the amount of oils based on how strong or subtle you want your scent to be.  Snap on the roller, and shake before each use!  Dang, that's easy. 

I absolutely L O V E the smell of grapefruit and peppermint oil together, but there are endless oily combinations you can try!

Let me know if you try any of these recipes, and I'll keep you updates on the homemade hygiene ventures I try out in the future.

Stay oily!
