I saw this video at Young Living's 2014 Grand Convention. (It was actually played in a secret meeting I wasn't really supposed to be in, but that's a whole other story.) I had never heard of this guy Art Williams before, but I discovered he was a high-school-football-coach-turned-success-story. He's pretty cool. Don't you just love that southern twang?
Now you may think Art's message is overly simplified. Just do it. I had that same thought when I saw this video for the first time. "You can't just do it," I thought to myself. "You need a plan. You need people. You need resources..." Well how in the world do you get all those things? You do it. You do it, and do it, and do it, and do it 'til the job gets done.
This was huge for me, especially as I was just beginning my Young Living business. I was full of excuses on why I couldn't succeed.
I'm a poor college student, and all my friends are poor, too.
I don't have time.
I don't have energy.
I'm not a business person.
I'm not a good teacher.
I don't have enough knowledge.
The list of excuses was endless, and I was being held back before I had even started. But after seeing this video, something was ignited in me and my outlook changed. Now every time an obstacle appears before me and I start listing reasons why I can't get over it, Art's voice pops into my head and I just do it. Every time I underestimate my abilities and the bullet points start adding up in my head why I should quit while I'm ahead, I do it anyways. For the first time in my life I have goals; tangible, physical goals that I have written on paper and am "just doing" one at a time. For the first time I feel almost invisible - knowing that I am the one that will choose to succeed or choose to fail; knowing that God is my right hand man who is my ever-constant source of strength and guidance. And for the first time I believe - I mean truly believe - in myself and what I am capable of. I think you'd be surprised how much you can accomplish if you'd just believe in yourself once in a while.
"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy,
I'm telling you it's going to be worth it."
Art Williams
So, come on, people. Let's do it.